The Cancer Grrrl

one lawyer, one cancer diagnosis, one hell of a fight.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

easy strider

Hey, it must be the good weekend (i get two of those a month...). Friday on my run I discovered that, even though I can't go long, I can go fast, for very short distances. (ok, fast is relative. fast for me is 6-7 min per mile, a mere jog for real runners). I started doing strides. To do a stride, you accelerate your pace for about 30 seconds, hold the fastest pace for another 30 seconds, then decelerate for 30 seconds. I warmed up with 15 min slow jog then i did 5 strides today. They are easy and fun and so much more gratifying than trying to push for more distance, with my chemo-body telling me to lie down every step of the way. It's a great alternative to ticking off the (non-existent) mileage.

So I registered for another 5K race. I'm already registered for the Komen race for the cure, in NY on Sept 10. I just now registered for the Lance Armstrong LiveStrong race in Austin Tx on October 8, which is AFTER all my o so pleasant sessions with the wondrous AC/Taxol elixirs.
Thus, even tho I can jog a 5k right now, by then I may be a lot more chemo-ed so we'll see. I am reasonably sure (as a lawyer, I am often "reasonably" sure), that I will be able to run at least some of the races, and if I need to walk a bit, then I'll freakin walk a bit. Since these races will be full of cancer-baldies like me, I am sure as hell not gonna stick out like a sore thumb, nor am I gonna shame myself with my slow ass run (well, uh I assume not...). so these events are tailor made. And, that means I take a wee vacance after chemo.

It's all excellent, dudes. Stride on.

*Kimba the white lion, courtesy of



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