The Cancer Grrrl

one lawyer, one cancer diagnosis, one hell of a fight.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

You lookin' at ME??

I have (had) very very thick hair. So, despite the fact that it started falling out in clumps last week, i didn't look like i was losing hair at all. So, because I wanted to wear my wig without a carpet of insulating thatch warming my poor head even more, I decided last night to shave my head.

Not only do I have thick hair, but I also have extraordinarily coarse hair. So much so that I ruined several razor blades and only succeeded in shaving my temples. I persevered long enough to shave a pretty respectable mohawk, a la Travis Bickle, Wendy O'Williams and Mr. T, but I'm still determined to go scorched earth and shave it all off. So I ventured out of my cubicle at lunchtime and bought a 26 way pro hair style kit, which promises, inter alia, 10 attachment combs, styling clips, mustache trimmers, barber scissors and English/Spanish DVD.

Ok, I could have taken the smaller version, but I just wasn't convinced it would do the job. It called itself a "mustache trimmer," and, heh, the one good thing about losing hair is that you lose it from places you don't want it as well as places you do want it. So, any stache i may have had is way under control, and the hair on my head would just laugh at a mustache trimmer and chew it right up. So I opted for the big guns. Nevermind that I will probably only use it once.

That is, unless I LIKE being bald...which is entirely possible...

Incidently, I ran this morning. I was tired, but I don't feel that bad today. Less nausea, but exhaustion factor is pretty much the same. Handle-able tho. I just wish I didn't have to go to work...!

so, bald it is. You lookin' at ME?



  • At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice pic. Did anyone ever mention you bear a striking resemblance to De Niro in his younger days?

  • At 8:15 PM, Blogger abigail said…

    oh make up yer mind. First you say i look like jennifer anniston, now robert de niro. maybe jennifer anniston is really robert de niro. you never see them together.


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