The Cancer Grrrl

one lawyer, one cancer diagnosis, one hell of a fight.

Friday, December 08, 2006

ma firsss drink ina looooooooooong tahm

tonight we had the obligatory first office xmas party. I say "first" because this is the unofficial one, the one for the plebes. The mucky mucks party is later, and a bigger deal and costs money to go to, and will probably have those little sandwiches that consist of one olive on one half of a slice of cucumber with a sprig of something laid across that is guaranteed to get stuck in your teeth. Or not IN your teeth but between them. I don't know why people say "you have spinach stuck in your teeth" when they mean in between. I mean it would be horrible to have something stuck IN your teeth, you'd need all kinds of really painful dental work. But whatever. I am not to blame for the grammatical and syntactical errors of others.

At any rate, we had this party. I of course, as is my wont, because i am one of the least social people I know, headed straight for the ole merlot, and, within approximately 35 seconds of slogging through a brief on termination of parental rights for mental retardation, i was holding forth most impolitically about penile implants and the absurdity of the case load. (yes penile implants. don't worry, it was a job related discussion...)

I cannot drink, i have no tolerance for alcohol.

However, I am smarter than i used to be, because, after my one (ok, very full) plastic cup of wine, I had the grace to excuse myself, and gtfo, before i caused any more damage to my carefully cultivated "cancer sufferer" persona.

I'll have to be more careful at the mucky muck party if I go. AND I'll make sure and wear some slightly green-tinted foundation, for that "she's had a rough year" look that should save me from getting either fired or loaded down with too much work...

But i did enjoy that cuppowine tho.

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