The Cancer Grrrl

one lawyer, one cancer diagnosis, one hell of a fight.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

friday (saturday) cat blogging: the pinkseries

Pink heads towards the (laser) light (pointer)

sacred heart of pink

P.S. In case anyone is wondering, NO i most certainly did NOT name pink for any komen related pink ribbon crapola reason. He has been "pink" since his birth, because he In color. And, for those of you overly tied to gender essentialist specific coloring...i give you this from Wiki: "The color pink is now associated with womanhood and little girls, just like light blue is associated with little boys and manhood. However, in 1918 "Infant's Department" (an industry publication) said the reverse was the "generally accepted rule", describing pink as "more decided and stronger" while blue was "more delicate and dainty". there u have it.



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