The Cancer Grrrl

one lawyer, one cancer diagnosis, one hell of a fight.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

requisat im pace

This just in:

Miriam Engleberg died on Monday. I've enjoyed her cancer comics and blog (see "Cancer made me a shallower person" on sidebar) since i was diagnosed with cancer and found out such things existed. I was pulling for her, but she hadn't posted on her blog in a while, and i was worried. Now I miss her and i didn't even know her. Bye bye Miriam.

And, since to me, cats are people too, I must also include another sad note. One of my brother's cats, Toby, died yesterday. Toby was a stray from Brooklyn, who moved to south Texas and never looked back, spending his long (for a cat) life hunting critters in vacant lots and cactusy backyards. Journey well, little Tobe.


  • At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What great present it is, from Miriam's blog, to find yours! I did not know her personally, but read her journal (and her wonderful cartoons) with joy, and sadness today at her death. I am 41, I have been through the same as you (And I am still on Herceptin), and not only (adored) little Toby, one of our family's five (adored) cats, the "boss" of them all, died peacefully at home, after 17 years of joy brought to us since being rescued as a kitten. Yes, journey well, little Tobes, little angels. It would take too long to write what breast cancer does to one's life, but one of the good things is that it shows there are soulmates all over the world, and beyond. You go girl! Many long years of joy ahead of you. Ciao from Gaia (Italian, living in UK)

  • At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    feeling very sad about Miriam, and also just pissed off. we have lost far too many. journey well, our sister. P.

  • At 9:07 PM, Blogger mcuster said…

    Another woman lost to this terrible disease. It makes me angry and sad.

    I'm sorry to hear about your brother's cat.

  • At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Toby was a good cat. He slept on my belly once, many years ago.


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