The Cancer Grrrl

one lawyer, one cancer diagnosis, one hell of a fight.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Lay on, Macduff

And damned be him who first cries "Hold, enough!"

Well, I just had chemo #4, which is my last AC treatment. I'm told that Taxol is "easier" in terms of side effex. Instead of nausea, you get pain. I AM DOWN FOR THAT. woo hoo. pain! I can hardly wait.

(madonna, at right, demonstrates why crucifixion, although painful, is perennially fashionable)

So I have one more week of quease. I'm halfway through chemo. I should have a belt with notches in it. Then I can kick back in bars and describe each notch in such harrowing ways as to make bouncers barf. I would love to make bouncers barf. Speaking of which, I usually see only old people at my sessions, but last time, I saw a guy who couldn't have been more than 25. He looked like he was in awesome shape, sort of a middleweight boxer's build. Bald of course, but hard to tell if the baldness was bouncer/tough guy-chic or chemo. Anyway, I felt bad. Getting cancer is bad enough when you're old, but when you're young, it really sux.

At any rate (or no rate at all) I ran 3 miles this morning. If i let myself think back to when 3 miles was not a big deal, I get kinda depressed, because 3 miles now is really hard. I'm huffing by the end of it.

*by the way, apologies to all and sundry for the above mixed metaphor stew. chemo takes its toll on the cognitive abilities. I believe I may, in fact, be drooling.



  • At 10:03 PM, Blogger Barb said…

    Congrats on the end o' AC. I'm gearing up for AC chemo III and every time I think about Monday (my day) my heart starts to palpate and I wonder if, in fact, it's heart damage from the chemo. I'm dreading it. btw, I just read that Melissa Ethridge choose to only get one round of taxol for fear of nerve damage to her hands...I'm not sure what I think about that. I'm off to take an ativan and hope to sleep 'till morning. Good luck over the next few days. -Barb

  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger abigail said…

    uh, yeah, thanks for that... and here i was naively feeling good about my last AC. It's always good to be reminded of how much this sucks, in case one is in horrible danger of forgetting...

  • At 7:47 PM, Blogger Barb said…

    Gosh, thanks for pointing out what a downer I sound like. I had no idea. It wasn't intended to have the outcome it did. Sorry.
    Be well,

  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger Sky said…

    I just found your blog and was reading it through. Count me as a new fan of your blog. Be well,


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