The Cancer Grrrl

one lawyer, one cancer diagnosis, one hell of a fight.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

cruelty freeze

Now I know that i am loved and revered in the blogosphere b/c i take very few things seriously, and dis almost everything. Thus, the following post may lose me some of my vast readership. It can't be helped. Every so often, a grrrl has to go all preachy on her readers. Read on mcduff:

It is most difficult to be an animal rights supporter, and a cancer patient at the same time. Every 3 weeks I go to a cancer center that does a ridiculous and unnecessary amount of animal testing, and get pumped full of poison tainted further by the pain and blood of innocents. This is the conundrum I live in each day.

So... I try my damndest to minimize the harm I do outside of my every 3 week trysts with the needle and IV tube. I do not eat chicken, pork, or beef, and only eat eggs that are "certified humane" (which doesn't mean they are completely taint free, but it is the best bet).

Further, I do not use products that test on animals. There are some amazing cosmetics and "beauty care" companies (if you are into that sort of euphemistic appellation for things that some of us prefer to call "soap" and "lotion"), that are cruelty free (and there are some you think should be, but ain't ain't aint). PETA provides a great shopping guide to:

companies that don't test on animals
companies that do.

If you are, like me, usually pressed for time, here's a short list of good cosmetic/beauty companies that don't test on animals. With companies like Nivea and Prescriptives on this list, why do you need products from the LD50-loving companies?

Minimize your harm on this world. Lest I go all green/vegan/crazy on yo' ass...

(next blog, the trouble with Japan....)



  • At 4:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    see, this is why people shouldn't websurf at 4 am, (est). I went to the "good" companies list and read Allens Naturally as Aliens Naturally. and naturally, I wanted to order some. now I have to live with that disappointment. Patrish

  • At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    a quick disclaimer: the quotations used around the word "good" in the above post should not be interpreted as a socioeconomic statement. it is just punctuation, meant to differentiate between 2 groups, "good" guys, and, "not-good" guys. p.

  • At 9:51 AM, Blogger abigail said…

    HAha Patrish, you sound like me. I would definitely go for products made by a company called "Alien's Naturally." Perhaps we ought to start such a company? Hmmm. maybe not. we maybe in the minority there...

  • At 6:57 PM, Blogger Mel Woods said…

    Just found your blog off Magic Cookie. I am dealing with cancer and law school as well, but the cancer is my mom's (we are also vegetarians). Wishing you the best.

  • At 10:10 PM, Blogger abigail said…

    thanks mel, but i'm not in law skool any more, now i'm a lawyer (and believe me, i'd rather be in law skool, but then again, i'm better at school than at life...)

  • At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cats in the pants on SNL! Is this animal abuse or good fun. Talk amonst yourselves.

  • At 3:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wait a minute?!? You mean to tell that on top of the general nastiness that is chemo there are animals involved.

    I don't know why I'm stunned. I guess all of those years living my herb loving/non Western medicine life.

    Now that I know this I need to do some sort of volunteer work to give back...


    Oh, hey, I'm Robin, by the way.

  • At 12:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    cancer grrl should write more things.


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